• Address: 3335 Yonge Street, Suite 302, Toronto, ON, M4N2M1

Invisalign – The Clear Alternative to Braces

Invisalign Yonge and Lawrence


Invisalign is one of the newest innovations in orthodontics to align and straighten teeth. Unlike using the conventional “metal wire and brackets” typically associated with orthodontics, it uses several clear and removable aligners to move the teeth into their ideal final position. The fact that they are clear and nearly invisible allows you to smile during you treatment as well as after! In our practice at Yonge and Lawrence, serving the Greater Toronto Area, Avenue and Lawrence, Yonge and Eglinton, Yonge and Sheppard, Lawrence Park, and North Toronto, our Invisalign dentists in North York provide this service for patients of all ages! Click here for a few of our happy Invisalign patients.

How it Works:

  • – The teeth are moved into position with a set of upper and lower clear and removable Aligners. Each aligner set is worn for about 2 weeks, worn all day and night, only removing during eating, drinking, flossing, and brushing.
  • – You will replace your Aligners every two weeks with the next set until slowly the teeth have straightened to their final beautiful position.
  • – Total treatment time varies depending on the movements required, but typically ranges between 9-15 months. You’ll visit your dentist about once every 6 weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned


Invisalign is an effective way to move teeth to their ideal cosmetic final position. The major difference between this method and the traditional metal wires is their removability. Because of this, the patient should be committed to ensure the Aligners are being worn for at least 22 hours per day, so as to be effective. But the benefits are that they are nearly invisible! Contact our Invisalign dentists at Yonge and Lawrence to see if this orthodontic service is right for you!